25 Feb 2024, 16:04

Govt formulates 5-year roadmap to increase sugar production, Humayun tells JS


SANGSAD BHABAN, Feb 25, 2024 (BSS) - Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun today said the government has formulated a five years long roadmap for increasing sugar production.

"Five years long roadmap has been prepared for increasing sugar production", he said while responding to a star-marked question raised by treasury bench lawmaker Nur Uddin Chowdhury Nayan of Laxmipur-2 during the question-answer session at the Jatiya Sangsad with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.

In addition to this, he said plans are underway to modernize all the age-old sugar mills for producing and marketing of huge amount of sugar.
To materialize the programme, Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC) has taken a review project titled the Balancing, Modernization and Replacement (BMR) of Carew and Company (Bangladesh) Limited.

To turn north Bengal sugar mill into a profitable one, Approval of a proposal for feasibility study is now underway through modernizing and diversifying the production.

Approval of project proposal for feasibility study on Modernization of Thakurgaon Sugar Mill, production diversification and installation of bit sugar plant is now underway.