08 Jan 2024, 18:32
Update : 08 Jan 2024, 20:42

Bangladesh becomes example of free, fair polls: PM

DHAKA, Jan 8, 2024 (BSS) - Awami League (AL) President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today described her party's victory in Sunday's parliamentary election as the people's victory and said Bangladesh has been able to be an example of holding free, fair and neutral polls. 
"We've set an instance that election can be free, fair and neutral. You (observers and journalists) have come and witnessed how the people cast vote in our country." she said while exchanging views with foreign journalists and election observers at Ganabhaban, following the 12th parliamentary election.
Sheikh Hasina said, "This victory is not my victory. I think that this victory is the victory of the people of this country." 
 She said that the country's people have elected her party by voting for it in this election, where many independent candidates and some contenders from other parties were also elected.
Mentioning that the people have elected her party by voting spontaneously, she said, "We'd taken all sorts of measures to hold the election in fair manners as you witnessed it." 
The Prime Minister said her victory is the victory of the people as the voting rights and power of the people to choose the government were applied in a fair manner through this election, as she and her party had been struggling to establish those rights.
 Pointing to BNP, she said a party didn't participate in the election as they are afraid of contesting the direct election, adding: "The party that was founded in the hands of military dictators can't move on their own. They don't have public support. So, they scare of the direct election." 
Bangabandhu's younger daughter and Sheikh Hasina's sister Sheikh Rehana, Bangabandhu's grandchildren Saima Wazed and Radwan Mujib Siddiq were, among others, were present. 
In the 12th general elections, Bangladesh Awami League clinched a landslide victory with over two-thirds majority, giving the AL-led 14-party alliance another chance to form the government for the fourth consecutive terms. 
 The massive victory has paved the way for Awami League President Sheikh Hasina to lead the government as Prime Minister for the fifth time and fourth time in a row.
 The Election Commission so far announced unofficially the results of 298 parliamentary seats out of the 300 where election was held in a free and fair manner.
 According to the unofficial results, the AL bagged 222 seats alone while Jatiya Party secured 11 seats. Independent candidates secured second highest 62 seats and Jasod, Bangladesh Kalyan Party and Bangladesh Workers' Party got one seat each.
 Voting in Naogaon-2 constituency was postponed due to death of an independent candidate earlier. EC will announce the result of Mymensingh-3 constituency later as the polling in one centre was postponed.

Replying to a query regarding next plan of future Bangladesh, the Awami League President said that the goal of her next government is to smoothen the journey of Bangladesh as a developing country (from 2026), make sustain electricity generation, ensure food and nutrition security, improve connectivity, alleviate poverty, eradicating extreme poverty, making the country free from homeless and finally continue the progress for building the country as "Smart Bangladesh".

Mentioning that her government has materialised the "digital Bangladesh" campaign, she said in the Smart Bangladesh, the basic needs of people will be sustainable.

She said that the main goal of the next government would be making economic advancement, saying "the economic progress and ensuring a better life for the people is my main aim."

Responding to a question from a BBC journalist if she believes that Bangladesh can be considered as a vibrant democracy in absence of any opposition party, the Awami League Chief said each and every party has the right to take their own decision.

If a particular party doesn't participate in the election, it doesn't mean there is no democracy, she said, adding, "You have to consider whether people participated or not." 

She continued: "The party didn't participate in the election and they tried to prevent people from casting votes. But, the people didn't listen to them".

Mentioning that she doesn't know whether there is any other definition of democracy, she said the participation of the people is the main thing here.

Coming down heavily on BNP for unleashing violence and arson violence, Sheikh Hasina threw a counter question to the journalist as to how she defines it as a Democratic Party? 

Awami League president told BBC journalist that what did the party you mentioned (BNP)?

"They set fire and killed people with fire. Just a few days ago they set fire on the train and killed people including women and children. Is it democracy? Yes, we believe in democracy. 

"But when attempts are made to kill common people, only for political purposes, I don't know if this is politics. It is an act of terrorism. No one should exercise terrorist activities in the country. People don't accept it. It's not just one story. Such incidents have happened several times in this country. We have shown patience. We have ensured people's rights."

"They are a terrorist party," she said.

Answering to another question about the foreign policy, Sheikh Hasina said that Bangladesh has a good relationship with every country as the motto of its foreign policy is "Friendship to all, malice towards none".

Highlighting India as a great friend of Bangladesh, she said that Bangladesh has a wonderful relationship with neighbours.

"Our relationship is wonderful with every country, even the United States of America. So, from our part there is no problem. We've a good relationship. Now it depends on you and your government," she said, responding to a question from an US election observer.

Turning to her dissidents, Sheikh Hasina said she is not revengeful, adding, "I never try to take revenge on anybody. I am very liberal."

In replying to query regarding consideration of granting pardon to people, like Professor Dr Muhammad Yunus as she celebrates her victory, the Awami League Chief said she has nothing to do here as the labour court handed over the judgment.

Mentioning that he (Muhammad Yunus) violated the labour law and deprived of his own employees who filed a case at the labour court, she said, "I have nothing to do to this end."