16 Jul 2024, 20:25
Update : 17 Jul 2024, 01:31

Chinese envoy terms PM’s China visit “tremendous success”

DHAKA, July 16, 2024 (BSS) – Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen today termed Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's recent Beijing visit as a tremendous success as China-Bangladesh relations elevated to a higher level.

“Regardless what the other’s discussion is (regarding the visit) … It is a tremendous success (from our point of view),” he said.

He also pointed out four prominent features of the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to China- higher, broader, pragmatic and consolidated.

The Chinese Ambassador stated this in a media briefing held at the Chinese Embassy in Dhaka this afternoon on the Prime Minister Sheikh Haisna’s official visit to China from July 8 to 10.

He said leaders of two countries agreed to elevate the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

“This is the most important political outcome of the visit,” he added.

Referring to a higher level of political mutual trust the envoy said the Chinese side will continue to firmly support Bangladesh in maintaining peace and stability, realizing development goals as envisioned under Vision 2041, non-interference in its internal affairs, and independently choosing a development path suited to its national conditions.

Yao said Bangladesh reiterated its firm commitment to the One-China principle and its position that the Government of the People’s Republic of China represents the whole of China, and Taiwan is part of China, and Bangladesh supports China on issues pertaining to China's core interests and China's efforts to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The two sides also discussed the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) put forward by President Xi Jinping.

“The Chinese side is ready to share experience on GDI issues with the Bangladesh side,” said the Chinese envoy.

Thirdly, the envoys said more assistance and help are the urgent needs of Bangladesh.

“The Chinese side has responded positively to the Bangladeshi side's concerns about the expansion of export financial assistance,” he said.

The envoys said that the Chinese side agreed to provide assistance equal to 2 billion US dollars to Bangladesh under the packages of grants, interest-free loans, concessional loans and commercial loans.

Fourthly, he mentioned a higher status of development cooperation.

"The Chinese side supports the Southern Integrated Development Initiatives (SIDI) of Bangladesh, among others, under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative to help this region achieve balanced and sustainable development," he said.

The envoy said the areas of cooperation between the two sides are much broader.

He noted that the Joint Statement covers as broad as 17 areas.
The areas are including almost all aspects of economic and social development of Bangladesh, namely, politics, political parties, trade and commerce, major cooperation projects, finance, digital and ICT, agriculture, meteorology, water management, ecological protection, health, education, people-to-people, maritime and blue economy, archaeology, defence, multilateral affairs cooperation and so on, resulting in a total of 27 practical outcomes, he said.

The envoys said the China-Bangladesh cooperation is pragmatic and brings tangible benefits and welfare to the two peoples.

“The two sides expressed satisfaction with the progress in major bilateral cooperation projects and agreed to push forward ongoing 8 projects, including Expansion of Teletalk’s 4G Mobile Broadband Network up to Union Level, Sewage Collection System under Dasherkandi STP Catchment of Dhaka City,” he said.

Yao said that Chinese enterprises are willing to proactively take part in the construction of subways, roads, hospitals and other projects in Bangladesh.

The envoy said next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The two sides agreed to designate the year of 2025 as the “China-Bangladesh Year of People-to-People Exchanges” to promote interactions between the two countries in the fields of culture, tourism, education, health, think tanks, sports, youth, and women.

Pointing out that direct flights between Beijing and Dhaka have officially commenced recently, the envoy said “The number of flights amounts to 80 flights per week with a capacity of over 15,000 passengers”.

Regarding the meeting between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Chinese President Xi Jinping the envoy said, “The meeting lasts almost one hour...actually it's overdue, it is more than what was supposed”.

He said that the two leaders discussed how to alleviate poverty, agriculture development, “I see there is chemistry between the two leaders.” 
Asked about providing financial assistance to Bangladesh, the envoy said, “The whole package China provided amounts to 2 billion US dollars, including grants, interest-free loans, concessional loans and commercial loans.”

“So it is our package of comprehensive financial support to Bangladesh amounts to around 2 billion US dollars. We have discussed these facilities and the next step is up to the working level of the two countries to sit down to talk about details of this agreement, or to increment this financial support from China to Bangladesh,” he said.


Replying to a question on the Rohingya repatriation to Myanmar, the envoy said, “We totally agree there is no other solution except repatriation… this issue has been lingering for more than seven years.

Terming the Rohingya issue as ‘big problem’ for Bangladesh, he opined that something should be done by the international community.

He mentioned that the repatriation process was halted due to conflict which break out inside Myanmar and spread in Rakhine state.

He said that there are some conditions for repatriation and safety is paramount in this regard.

“So during the discussion we all agreed we have to abide by the position that repatriation is the only way out… we are to whatever we can to ceasefire in Rakhine state,” he said.  

Responding to a question on the Teesta River project, the Ambassador said, “Our position is very clear… I already told that Teesta River is Bangladesh's project, the river is Bangladesh’s river, so how to proceed with this project is up to the Bangladesh government to make a decision.”

He also said that they will respect Bangladesh’s decision.

“I believe that with the joint efforts of two countries, the foundation of China-Bangladesh friendship will be more solid and firm, and the friendship between the two countries will usher in a new stage of great development,” he said.