25 Apr 2024, 17:57
Update : 26 Apr 2024, 08:46

BNP now desperate to assume power: Quader

DHAKA, Apr 25, 2024 (BSS) - Awami League (AL) general secretary Obaidul Quader today said BNP has become desperate to capture state power by any means, while its leaders have lost their sense.

“BNP leaders could not understand that the Awami League does politics by standing beside the country’s people. It takes and determines plans and programmes for the welfare of people.

 We are always accountable to them. On the other hand, BNP has been practicing anti-people politics,” he said in a statement.

Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said while  BNP was in power, they ran steamroller of exploitation and oppression on people considering them as enemies and established a reign of terror across the country by sponsoring terrorism and extremism.

“And now they (BNP leaders) are using the people as a tool to create confusion and anarchy through violence and continuing ill-efforts against a constitutionally legitimate and democratically elected government aiming to assume the state power,,” he said.

Failing in democratic movement, the AL general secretary said, BNP has chosen the path of terrorism and violence in the name of the so-called anti-government movement.

The cadres of BNP and its allies have been conducting terrorist acts through arson and vandalism to make the smooth path of the government uneven and halt the development of the country.
“Their (BNP and its allies) main targets are the country's people and state resources,” he added.

Quader said: “We have observed that in the name of foiling the 12th general elections, they burnt innocent people alive and destroyed the state assets through arson attacks in continuation of past misdeeds.

 And when law enforcing agencies and court took steps to protect the safety and security of the people and maintain peace, the BNP leaders tried to make it questionable.”

In fact, he said, BNP is actually a terrorist organisation, while it has taken decision in principle to give shelters to terrorists.

Apart from having its own terrorist and cadres, BNP created notorious terrorists like ‘Bangla Bhai’ while was in power, the AL general secretary said, adding but BNP tried to protect him claiming that 'Bangla Bhai’ is a creation of media.
He said the incumbent government, led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, is committed to take appropriate legal actions against terrorists to ensure peace, safety and security of the country’s people.